Sunday, November 29, 2009

Music ~ Day 15

Oh my, there are so many I could choose from...After much thinking and prayer, this one was my choice. "Go Tell It On The Mountain"

Go Tell It on the Mountain is an American Christmas carol dating back to at least 1865, which celebrates the birth of Jesus ~ "Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born."

“Go Tell It on the Mountain,” has been named Christmas Carol of the Year for 2004.

The selection was made by William Studwell, a professor emeritus from Northern Illinois University, who is recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts on Christmas carols. He has named a Carol of the Year for 19 years.

“It is an energetic, inspired carol,” says Studwell of the century-old tune that tells the story of the birth of Christ and urges listeners to spread the word. “It is the greatest of all American folk carols.”

The piece gained little notice until the 1920s when the Fisk University Singers began performing the song. About that time the song steadily began to gain in popularity, winning over listeners with energetic beat and its enthusiastic call to action.

Most carols of the 20th century are not so enthusiastic. This is more like some of the older carols, like Joy to the World or Come All Ye Faithful in that regard, says Studwell. “It shows some real enthusiasm for the Christmas holiday."

And how appropiate, not only for my cause and my blog, but also for this Christmas Season.

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