Thursday, December 17, 2009

Celebrate ~ Day 30

WOW, what a fantastic 30 day journey this has been!!

I will celebrate the new people I have met, the fun, connecting with friends and the learning experience.

I celebrate Susan's faithful efforts for keeping the 30 days going with much enthusiasm.

And I celebrate that I hung in there (even though I was late at doing some of my posts), doing my best to read, comment and keep up with the other bloggers who were involved.

I want to wish you all a very Merry CHRISTmas and a blessed and prosperous New Year!!


BeaK. said...

Hi Debbie,

I'm so proud of did hang in and with inspiration and determination...your post are always so profoundly loving and giving.

I'm blessed to call you friend, and so happy you are part of my world.

Merry Christmas

Bea Kunz

Inner-Creative-Voice said...

Wonderful celebrating with you, Debbie:)

Enjoy your Christmas and family time. I will be in touch!