Thursday, June 17, 2010

God Is Faithful

"God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord" (1 Corinthians 1:9)

I use to have an answer for most problems in life. I had a lot to say on almost every subject. I now have fewer answers, and they might be reduced to the simple phrase, "God is faithful."

I don't say that lightly or without thought, I say it because I know it is true, and I have discovered that it is true no matter what is happening in my life.

With confidence, I say these words at the end of the worse statements in the world: My son doesn't want anything to do with me and I don't know what to do...but God is faithful. I lost my job aand I don't know how the bills are going to get paid...but God is faithful. My husband/wife left me and and my heart is torn to pieces...but God is faithful.

Sometimes God doesn't seem to be faithful because He doesn't answer our prayers as we expect Him to. I have had to change my expectations. If the whole purpose of my life is to learn to love God and to show His compassion to the world, then what He is doing "in" me is more important than what He is doing "for" me.

Through many tears I have discovered that if I will bring every jagged edge of my life to Him, He will continue to mold me to become the woman He called me to be.

Whatever is happening with you right now, as your sister in Christ, I urge you to meditate on these words of life: GOD IS FAITHFUL.

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