Material wealth gives a dangerous, false sense of security. The birds and lilies do not fret and worry, yet they have God's wealth in ways that man cannot duplicate. All of nature depends on God, and God never fails. Only mortal man depends on money, and money always fails.
God feeds the birds and clothes the lilies. He will feed and cloth us. He has great blessings for us if only we will yield to Him and live for the riches that last forever.
What a testimony it is to the world when we dare to practice "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto us."
Yes, it is right to plan for the future and even save for the future (1 Tim. 5:8). But it is a sin to worry about the future and permit tomorrow to rob us of todays blessings.
He knows that we need certain things in order to live. In fact, He has given us "richly all things to enjoy" (1 Timothy 6:17)
Jesus says that worry is sin. We may dignify worry by calling it by some other name; concern, burden, a cross to bear~but the results are the same.
Materialism will enslave the heart, the mind and the will. We become shackled by the material things of life.
Most of these people don't have the material things we have, let alone enough food to eat. They truly trust and depend on God to provide their daily needs.
It is such a blessing to be used by our Heavenly Father to help and encourage those less fortunate than us no matter where we live or where we go.
Those we served at the feedings have victory over worry...they have faith, trusting God to meet their needs, knowing their Heavenly Father cares for His children and, putting His will first in their lives daily so that He will be glorified.
No matter our circumstances, we should always have the assurance that God has not left our side and that dwelling in Him we receive our strength. The goodness of the Lord reaches from everlasting to everlasting and when we find ourselves discouraged or disheartened, all we need to do is return again to the Lord to be refreshed and renewed by His Spirit. The Scripture says the Joy of the Lord is your strength.
Have faith in God the Father, put Him first, He will meet your needs.
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