And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth his fruit in his season, his leaf aslo shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3)
The Psalmist compares us to a tree, a God-made tree.We are "planted" trees ~ "he shall be planted." When we plant a tree, we select the spot where we want it and the type of tree best suited for that location and for the purpose we had in mind. God knows where He wants to plant us, and He has a purpose in planting us there.
God provides for His trees ~ He plants them "by the rivers of water."
We are to be "productive" trees ~ "that brings forth his fruit in his season." We must be productive in due season, bringing forth God's fruit in God's season. When our lives take deep rootage in Christ, we will bring forth rich fruitage for Him.
God's trees will be "perpetually alive" ~ "his leaf also shall not wither." We will be ever-living trees of unfading beauty radiating the loveliness of our lovely Lord.
We are "prosperous" trees ~ "whatsoever he does shall prosper." Rooted in Christ, nourished by the Word, and refreshed by the Spirit, our lives become blessings to others.
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